- 1965
- 出生于河北,中国
- 现生活工作于北京,香港,中国
- 教育背景
- 1991
- 毕业于中国美术学院
- 个展
- 2014
- 《图像,未(不)死》,当代唐人艺术中心,北京,中国
- 2011
- 《巴洛克》,当代唐人艺术中心,北京,中国
- 2009
- 《追光- 升级版》,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京,中国
- 2008
- 《追光- 阿斯彭》,阿斯彭美术馆,阿斯彭,美国
- 《追光》,新北京画廊,北京,中国
- 2007
- 《颜磊个展》,RMG 画廊,纽约,美国
- 《狗星计划》,常青画廊,圣基米亚诺,意大利
- 《支柱》,沪申画廊,上海,中国
- 2006
- 《特醇- 香港》,香港艺术中心,香港,中国
- 2005
- 《特醇》,麦勒画廊,卢塞恩,瑞士
- 2003
- 《上升空间》,麦勒画廊,卢塞恩,瑞士
- 2002
- 《颜磊个展》,Loft 画廊,巴黎,法国
- 2001
- 《国际山水》,艺术文件仓库,北京,中国
- 1999
- 《在资本主义前沿》,香港 MOST,香港,中国
- 1995
- 《入侵》,北京儿童艺术剧院,北京,中国
- 群展
- 2012
- 《瑞居艺术计划》,瑞居艺术酒店,北京,中国
- 2010
- 《陌生人》,站台中国,北京,中国
- 《事物状态- 中比当代艺术交流展》,中国美术馆,北京,中国
- 《玻璃工厂- 新金融时代的中国艺术》,北京伊比利亚当代艺术中心,北京,中国
- 《2009 事物状态- 中比当代艺术交流展》,比利时皇家美术宫,比利时
- 《目耳计划当代艺术展》,北京今日美术馆,北京,中国
- 《图像的新态度》,北京当代唐人艺术中心,北京,中国
- 《我们的未来:尤伦斯基金收藏展》,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京,中国
- 2008
- 《迪奥与中国艺术家,》北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京,中国
- 2007
- 《持续的对话》,常青画廊,圣吉米尼亚诺,意大利
- 《你以为你是谁?》 ,米兰博览会,米兰,意大利
- 《12 届卡塞尔文献展》,卡塞尔,德国
- 2006
- 《恒动:当代艺术对话》,上海当代艺术馆,上海,中国
- 《首届 MoCA 双年展“入境: 中国无章美学” 》,上海当代艺术馆,上海,中国
- 《持续的对话》,常青画廊,北京,中国
- 《一件作品—洪浩+ 颜磊》,泰康顶层空间,北京,中国
- 《在边缘—当代中国艺术家遇见西方》,大卫利美术馆& 文化中心威斯利美术学院麻州美国,印第安那波利斯美术馆,美国
- 2005
- 《广州三年展》,广东美术馆,广州,
- 《视线以外》,苹果艺术中心,阿姆斯特丹,荷兰
- 《麻将》,泊尔尼美术馆,泊尔尼,瑞士
- 《中国:当代中国艺术家所见》,Spazio Oberdan ,米兰,意大利
- 《在边缘—当代中国艺术家遇见西方》,斯坦福大学艺术中心,美国
- 2004
- 《找不到北》,Villa Arson 当代艺术中心,尼斯,法国
- 《CRAC》 塞特当代艺术中心,塞特,法国
- 《超越界线》,外滩 3 号,上海,中国
- 《打开天空》,多伦美术馆,上海,中国
- 2003
- 《紧急地带》,第 50 界威尼斯双年展,威尼斯,意大利
- 《中国怎么样?》,蓬皮杜艺术中心,巴黎,法国
- 《第五系统:后规划时代的公共艺术,第五届深圳当代雕塑展》,何香凝美术馆,深圳,中国
- 2002
- 《都市营造》,上海双年展上海美术馆,上海,中国
- 《大都市肖像学》,第 25 届圣保罗双年展,圣保罗,俄罗斯
- 《暂停》,第 4 届光州双年展,光州,
- 2001
- 《Polypolis —东南亚当代艺术展》,汉堡艺术宫,汉堡,德国
- 《城市俚语—珠江三角洲当代艺术展》,香港艺术公社,香港,中国
- 《首届成都双年展》,成都现代艺术馆,成都,中国
- 2000
- 《日常与异常》,上海圆弓美术馆,上海,中国
- 《中国当代艺术展》,韩国和日本釜山大学韩国博物馆,韩国
- 1999
- 《国陆现代艺术家会展》,韩国釜山大学美术馆,韩国
- 《中国迷宫》,OTSO 画廊,艾斯普,芬兰
- 1998
- 《影像志异》,上海大学美术馆,上海,中国
- 1997
- 《新亚洲、新城市、新艺术—中、韩当代艺术展》,上海当代美术馆,上海,中国
- 1994
- 《中、港、台摄影艺术展》,香港艺术中心,香港,中国
- B. 1965, Hebei, China
- Lives and works in Beijing and Hong Kong, China
- Education
- 1991
- Graduated from China Academy of Art
- 2014
- “Bilder, Die(Nie) Verschwinden”, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
- 2011
- “Baroque”, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
- 2009
- “Sparkling-upgraded”, UCCA, Beijing, China
- 2008
- “Sparkling Aspen”, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, USA
- “Sparkling Yan Lei Artworks”, Xin Beijing Gallery, Beijing, China
- 2007
- “Yan Lei Solo Exhibition”, Robert Miller Gallery, New York, USA
- “Dogzstar Project”, Gallery Continua, San Gimignano, Italy
- “Support”, Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, China
- 2006
- “Super Light-Hong Kong”, Hong Kong Art Centre, Hong Kong, China
- 2005
- “Super Light”, Galerie Urs Meile, Lucerne, Switzerland
- 2003
- “Climbing Space”, Galerie Urs Meile, Lucerne, Switzerland
- 2002
- “Yan Lei Solo Exhibition”, Galerie Loft, Paris, French
- 2001
- “International Scenery”, China Art Archives & Warehouse, Beijing, China
- 1999
- “At the Frontiers of Capitalism”, Museum of Site, Hong Kong, China
- 1995
- “Invasion”, Beijing Junior Art Theatre, Beijing, China
- 2014
- “The 12th National Exhibition of Fine Arts - Experimental art”, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
- 2013
- “Truth, Beauty, Freedom and Money - Art After Social Media Era”, K11 Opening Exhibition, Shanghai, China
- 2012
- “The 13th Documenta”, Kassel, Germany
- “Time Traveler”, Rock Bund Art Museum, Shanghai, China
- “Gallery Hotel Project”, Gallery Hotel Beijing, Beijing, China
- 2010
- “The Stranger”, Platform China, Beijing, China
- “Glass factory-Art in the new financial era”, Iberia Contemporary Art Center, Beijing. China
- 2009
- “The state of things-The Exchanging of Art between China and Belgium”, Bozar, Belgium
- “Music to eyes art show”, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
- “The new attitude of images”, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
- “Our Future: The Guy & Myriam Ullens Foundation Collection”, UCCA, Beijing, China
- 2008
- “Christian Dior & Chinese Artists”, UCCA, Beijing, China
- 2007
- ”A Continuous Dialogue”, Galleria Continua, San Gimigniano, Italy
- “Who do you think you are?”, MIART, Milan, Italy
- “Documenta 12”, Kassel, Germany
- 2006
- “Art in Motion”, Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai, Shanghai, China
- “MoCA Envisage, Entry Gate: Chinese Aesthetics of Heterogeneity”, Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai,
- Shanghai, China
- “A Continuous Dialogue”, Galleria Continua, Beijing, China
- “One Work: Hong Hao and Yan Lei”, Taikang Top Space, Beijing, China
- “On the Edge: Contemporary Chinese Artists Encounter the West”, Davis Museum and Cultural Center,
- Wellesley College Massachusetts, USA
- 2005
- “The Second Guangzhou Triennial”, Guangdong Museum of Art Guangzhou, Guangzhou, China
- “Out of Sight”, De Apple Art Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- “Mahjong - Chinese Contemporary Art from the Sigg Collection”, Kunstmuseum Bern, Switzerland
- “China: As Seen by Contemporary Chinese Artists”, Spazio Oberdan, Milan, Italy
- “On the Edge: Contemporary Chinese Artists Encounter the West”, Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University, USA
- 2004
- “A lEst du Sud de lOuest”, Villa Arson, Nice France
- “Crac - Centre National’, dArt Contemporain, Sète France
- “Beyond Boundaries”, Three on the Bund, Shanghai, China
- “Open Sky”, Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China
- 2003
- “Zones of Urgency”, 50th Biennale di Venezia, Italy
- “Alors la Chine”, Centre Pompidou, Paris, French
- “Fifth Element: Public Art in the Age of Post-Planning”, 5th Shenzhen Contemporary, Shenzhen, China
- 2002
- “Urban Creation: Shanghai Biennial”, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China
- “Cidades”, 25th Sao Paulo Biennale, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- “Pause”, The Fourth Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, Korea
- 2001
- “Polypolis: Contemporary Art from South East Asia”, Kunsthaus Hamburg
- “City Slang: The First Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art from the Pearl River Delta Artist Commune Hong
- Kong - Chengdu Biennale”, Chengdu Museum, Chengdu, China
- 2000
- “Unusual & Usual Contemporary Art Exhibition” - Yuangong Modern Art Museum, Shanghai, China
- “The Contemporary Art Exhibition China”, Korea and Japan Museum of Pusan University Korea, Korea
- 1999
- “National Land Exhibition of Modern Artists”, Busan Korea University Museum of Art Korea, Seoul, Korea
- “China Maze”, Gallery OTSO, Espoo, Finland;
- 1998
- “Images Telling Stories (Beautiful like Materialism)”, Shanghai University Art Museum, Shanghai, China
- 1997
- “New Asia, New City, New Art 97, China - Korean Contemporary Art Exhibition”, Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai, China
- 1994
- “Exhibition of Contemporary Photography from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan”, Hong Kong Arts Centre , Hong Kong, China
- 2001
- “Polypolis Contemporary Art from South East Asia', Kunsthaus, Hamburg
- “City Slang, the First Annual Contemporay Art From Zhu Jiang Delta', the Gallery of Artist Commune, Hong Kong
- “Chengdu Biennale”, Chengdu Biennale Museum
- 2000
- “Unusual & Usual Contemporary Art Exhibition”, Yuangong Modern Art Museum, Shanghai, China
Acrylic on Canvas
110 x 150 cm
上升空间之机场 局部
SGA Detail
Acrylic on Canvas
110 x 150 cm
上升空间之机场 局部
SGA Detail
Acrylic on Canvas
110 x 150 cm
上升空间之机场 局部
SGA Detail
Acrylic on Canvas
110 x 150 cm