- 1995
- 毕业于鲁迅美术学院摄影系
- 展览
- 2017
- 站台中国当代艺术机构@2017艺术深圳, 深圳会展中心6号馆
- 中国当代摄影40年(1976-2017)——三影堂10周年特展, 三影堂摄影艺术中心
- 站台中国@第五届香港巴塞尔艺术展, 香港会议展览中心
- 2016
- 身形剧本, 三影堂摄影艺术中心
- 2015
- 迁禧, 站台中国当代艺术机构
- 中国摄影——二十世纪以来, 三影堂摄影艺术中心
- 颗粒到像素——摄影在中国, 上海摄影艺术中心
- 第二届三影堂实验影像开放展, 三影堂摄影艺术中心
- 站台中国当代艺术机构@第三届香港巴塞尔艺术展, 香港会议展览中心
- 2014
- 真相部II——再造界域, 博而励画廊
- M97画廊@2014上海艺术影像展, 上海展览中心
- 王宁德——有形之光, M97画廊
- 中国当代摄影2009-2014, 民生现代美术馆
- 挑战传统——20世纪西方经典及中国当代摄影作品展, 中间美术馆
- 三影堂首届实验影像开放展, 三影堂摄影艺术中心
- 2013
- 必然中的偶然——中韩国际美术展, 四面空间
- 罗曼蒂克幻象之谜, 复地香栀花园
- 2012
- 在视网膜上弯曲的光, 外滩18号画廊(上海)
- 2011
- 东北墟——东北当代艺术的轮廓, 索卡艺术中心(北京)
- m97 | 上海@2011上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展, 上海展览中心
- 某一天——王宁德个展, M97画廊
- 2010
- 交错:三影堂作品陈列展, 三影堂摄影艺术中心
- 改造历史——2000—2009年的中国新艺术(国家会议中心), 国家会展中心
- 改造历史——2000—2009年的中国新艺术(阿拉里奥北京艺术空间), 阿拉里奥画廊(北京)
- 改造历史——2000—2009年的中国新艺术(今日美术馆), 今日美术馆
- 迷宫Ⅲ之2:危险关系(美国), Li Gallery(美国)
- 要有光——王宁德个展, 程昕东国际当代艺术空间
- 寄居蟹2号——当代摄影展, 视空间
- 丛林——中国当代艺术生态管窥, 站台中国当代艺术机构A空间
- 王宁德作品展,
- 某一天,
- 2009
- 迷宫Ⅲ之2:危险关系(北京), Li Gallery(北京)
- 工作坊:艺术家是如何工作的, 伊比利亚当代艺术中心
- 北京-哈瓦那——中国当代艺术展, National Museum of Art
- 房间服务, 大树艺术空间 蜗客尚品酒店
- 态度——河南郑州, 泄特艺术中心
- Franks-Suss Collection,
- 状态——中国当代艺术展, 中国雕塑网
- 亦安画廊艺术家群展, 亦安画廊(上海)
- 发现——当代纸上作品展, 昇艺术空间(上海1)
- 日本和中国的相遇——二十一世纪的中日当代艺术,
- 2008
- 断舌, 梯空间
- 精致的尸体:超现实中国, M97画廊
- 摄影作品展——城市裂缝, 宋庄原创艺术博览中心
- 我们的未来——尤伦斯基金会收藏展, 尤伦斯当代艺术中心(北京)
- Dialogue China Part I, Elins Eagles-Smith Gallery
- 回望——连州国际摄影年展三年回顾, 明天艺术中心
- “乡愁”记忆与虚构的现实, 梯空间
- 出轨, Robischon Gallery
- 星档案——见证二十一世纪中国艺术的文献库, 别处空间
- 北京——雅典,
- 东方虹,
- 2007
- 影子的炼金术——第三届连州国际摄影年展, 羊城创意产业园
- 伪, 站台中国当代艺术机构A空间
- 对流——三影堂摄影艺术中心收藏作品展, 三影堂摄影艺术中心
- Made in China - The Estella Collection, The Israel Museum
- 目测距离——中国当代摄影8人展, 关山月美术馆
- 王宁德、屋代敏博作品展, 琴山画廊(北京)
- 意外失控, KU艺术中心
- “现实与虚构”王宁德、刘大卫、邢丹文作品联展, 百年印象摄影画廊
- The Year of the Golden Pig - Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection, Lewis Glucksman Gallery
- 迈阿密博览会,
- 王宁德与屋代敏博,
- 亚洲城市网络,
- 抽离中心的一代——70后艺术展,
- 中国新风,
- 龙的变身——当代摄影展,
- 迷宫——当代艺术展,
- 2006
- 上房抽梯当代艺术展, 站台中国当代艺术机构A空间
- 灵魂的疆域之外——王宁德个展, 陈绫蕙当代空间(北京1)
- 胸怀——摄影联展, 沪申画廊(外滩三号)
- 第二届连州国际摄影节,
- 王宁德作品展,
- 显隐——中国摄影20年,
- 某一天,
- 从极地到铁西区——东北当代艺术展,
- 2006
- 国际展览——中国之窗, Arko Art Center
- 染——当代艺术展,
- 东江摄影节,
- 2005
- 双重视野:从连州出发——第一届连州国际摄影节, 连州文化馆 糖果公司 鞋厂
- “影像理想国”摄影作品展, 新锐艺术计划
- 大搞新关系艺术伦理学——帝门开幕展, 陈绫蕙当代空间(北京1)
- “制造虚拟(IVVI)”一个观念的中国当代美术馆, 程昕东国际当代艺术空间
- Re(-)viewing the City - the 1st Guangzhou International Photo Biennial, 广东美术馆
- 城市·重视——2005广州国际摄影双年展, 广东美术馆
- 连州国际摄影年展,
- 麻将——中国当代艺术希克收藏展,
- 中国广东美术馆第一届《重视城市》双年展,
- 变术,
- 走出红门——中国当代摄影,
- 第二届广州三年展自我组织单元——比翼艺术中心: 如何将广州变成上海,
- 生活在一个有趣的时代——中国近十年来的摄影,
- 第五届罗马摄影节,
- 在历史与梦幻之间,
- 2004
- 在别处摄影展, 重庆美术馆
- 在别处, 泰康空间
- 第五届上海双年展——影像生存, Shanghai Biennale
- 没有人是傻子也没有人伤害了谁, 亦安画廊(上海)
- Guan Yin - Tempi di DONNE, Sala 1
- Group Show by Aura's Artist, 亦安画廊(上海)
- 错觉, 亦安画廊(上海)
- 旧金山国际摄影博览会,
- 在真实与记忆之间,
- 要往哪里去?天下合一!,
- 开放的姿态:首届广东青年艺术展,
- 平凡子民——九十年代至今华人观念摄影展,
- 道与魔:里里外外,
- 天下——尤伦斯基金会收藏的古代和当代中国艺术,
- 2003
- Promenade édifiante et curieuse au Pavillon des Images, Centre photographique d’Ile-de-France
- 另一种现代性,
- 有趣与奇特的漫步,
- 来自中国的当代摄影,
- 看不见的城市摄影展,
- 有益与奇特的漫步,
- 没问题,
- “幻影天堂”中国当代摄影展(捷克),
- 2002
- 在小镇上舞蹈,
- 2000
- 后生代与新世纪,
- 1999
- 走向更昏暗的地方,
- 1995
- Graduated from the fine arts college of lu xun's photography
- Exhibitions
- 2017
- Platform China Contemporary Art Institute@2017 Art Shenzhen, Shenzhen Exhibition Center Hall 6
- 40 years of Chinese contemporary photography(1976-2017)- Three shadows 10th anniversary special exhibition, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
- Platform China@5th Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
- 2016
- Scripts of The Bodies, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
- 2015
- Relocation Jubilee, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute
- Chinese Photography - Twentieth Century and Beyond, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
- Grain to Pixel - A Story of Photography in China, Shanghai Center of Photography
- The 2nd Three Shadows Experimental Image Open Exhibition, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
- Platform China Contemporary Art Institute Space@3th Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
- 2014
- Ministry of Truth II - The Factitious and its Realm, Boers-Li Gallery
- Wang Ningde - Form Of Light, M97 Gallery
- M97 Gallery@2014 Photo Shanghai, Shanghai Exhibition Center
- Contemporary Photography in China 2009 – 2014, Minsheng Art Museum
- 20th Century Western Classical and Chinese Contemporary Photography, Inside - Out Art Museum
- Three Shadows First Experimental Image Open Exhibition, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
- 2013
- Inevitable Coincidence - Contemporary Art Exhibition of Chinese & Korean Artists In Beijing, 4-Face Space Gallery
- The Rapture of Romantic Illusions, Group Exhibition Fudi Aromatic Villa
- 2012
- Light Bending Onto the Retina, 18 Gallery (Shanghai)
- 2011
- Ruins - Face of Contemporary Northeast China, Soka Art Center (Beijing)
- m97 | Shanghai@SH Contemporary 2011, Shanghai Exhibition Center
- Some Days - Wang Ningde Solo Exhibition, M97 Gallery
- 2010
- Interconnected: Works from the Three Shadows Collection, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
- Reshaping History: Chinart from 2000 to 2009 (China National Convention Center), China National Convention Center
- Reshaping History: Chinart from 2000 to 2009 (Arario Gallery), Arario Gallery (Beijing)
- Reshaping History: Chinart from 2000 to 2009 (Today Art Museum ), Today Art Museum
- Labyrinth Ⅲ2: Dangerous Liaisons (USA), Li Gallery(USA)
- Let There Be Light - Wang Ningde Solo Exhibition, Xin Dong Cheng Space for Contemporary Art
- Soldier Crab Ⅱ - An Exhibition of Contemporary Photography, Visual Space
- Jungle - A Close-up Focus on Chinese Contemporary Art Trends, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute Space A
- The Photographs of Wang Ningde,
- Some days,
- 2009
- Labyrinth Ⅲ2: Dangerous Liaisons (Beijing), Li Gallery (Beijing)
- Work in Progress: How Do Artists Work?, Iberia Center for Contemporary Art
- Beijing - Havana, China Contemporary Art Exhibition, National Museum of Art
- Room Service, Belief Tree Xian City Textile City Art District Walker Boutique Hotel
- Attitude - Henan Zhengzhou, Shit-Art Center
- Franks-Suss Collection,
- Aura Gallery Group Exhibition, Aura Gallery (Shanghai)
- Works on Paper, Shine Art Space (Shanghai 1)
- Japan meets China - Our future reflected contemporary art,
- 2008
- Chinese Freedom, T Space
- Exquisite Corpse: China Surreal Group Photography Exhibition, M97 Gallery
- Photography Works Exhibition - City Crack, China SongZhuang Yuanchuang Arts Center
- Our Future - The Guy and Myriam Ullens Foundation Collection, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (Beijing)
- Dialogue China Part I, Elins Eagles-Smith Gallery
- Homesickness - Memory and Virtual Reality, T Space
- Out of Place, Robischon Gallery
- 2007
- The Alchemy of Shadows - Lianzhou International Photo Festival (LIPF) 2007, Yang Cheng Creative Indurtry Zone
- False, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute Space A
- Convection, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
- Made in China - The Estella Collection, The Israel Museum
- Unexpected - Out of Control, Ku Art Center
- Reality and Fabrication, 798 Photo Gallery
- The Year of the Golden Pig - Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection, Lewis Glucksman Gallery
- City Net Asia,
- Aqua Art Miami,
- The Generation without Centrum: The Art of post - 70s,
- 2006
- Removing the Ladder - Contemporary Art Exhibition, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute Space A
- Spiritual time in the territory of the empire of the dead - Wang Ningde, Chen Ling Hui Contemporary Space (Beijing 1)
- Inner Scopes : SGA Photography Exhibition, Shanghai Gallery of Art
- From 'Polar Region' to 'Tiexiqu' - Exhibition of Contemporary Art in Northeast China,
- Ran - A Contemporary Art Exhibition,
- Some days,
- 2006
- International Art Exhibition: China Gate, Arko Art Center
- Donggang Museum of Photography,
- Lianzhou International Photo Festival,
- The photographs of Wang Ningde,
- Developing China - 20 Years of Contemporary Chinese Photography,
- 2005
- Double Vision - 1st Lianzhou International Photo Festival,
- Forging a New Relationship Art Ethics, Chen Ling Hui Contemporary Space (Beijing 1)
- Re(-)viewing the City - the 1st Guangzhou International Photo Biennial, Guangdong Museum of Art
- Re ·Viewing - Guangzhou Photo Biennial 2005, Guangdong Museum of Art
- The Second Guangzhou Triennial Self Organisation - BizART: How to Turn Guangzhou into Shanghai,
- Lianzhou, International Photographic Exhibition,
- Mahjong Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection,
- Between the history and fantasy,
- 2004
- Elsewhere, Taikang Space
- 5th Shanghai Biennale -Techniques of the Visible, Shanghai Biennale
- No Body's Fool No Body's Hurt, Aura Gallery (Shanghai)
- Guan Yin - Tempi di DONNE, Sala 1
- Illusion, Aura Gallery (Shanghai)
- Group Show by Aura's Artist, Aura Gallery (Shanghai)
- Reality Spells Conceptual Chinese Photography Since the 90s,
- Open Attitude: The First Youth Art Exhibition of Guangdong,
- National photography exposition of San Francisco,
- 2003
- Promenade édifiante et curieuse au Pavillon des Images, Centre photographique d’Ile-de-France
- "Invisible Urban" Photography Exhibition,
- No Problem - Ten Young Photographer,
- An interesting and singular walk,
- A Strange Heaven: Contemporary Chinese Photography (Czech Republic),
- Alternative Modernity,