- 1986
- 生于辽宁沈阳
- 教育背景
- 2005—2009
- 鲁迅美术学院油画系获学士学位
- 2009—2012
- 鲁迅美术学院油画系新古典油画研究方向获硕士学位
- 个展
- 2014
- 《疲倦的温柔》,BANK,上海
- 群展
- 2011
- 鲁迅美术学院油画系学生优秀作品展 ,沈阳
- 赴法交流展 ,尼姆,法国
- 2012
- 《论文》,视在空间,上海
- “世纪之星”全国高等美术院校油画专业研究生优秀作品展,浙江
- 罗中立奖学金"2012 年度获奖作品展,四川
- 《究竟是什么使得世界末日如此的吸引人?》,莫干山视界艺术中心,上海
- 《怒放》(上海五五画廊)
- 2013
- 《罗曼蒂克幻象之谜》上海
- 奖项
- 2011
- 马利艺术创作奖
- 凤凰艺术创作奖
- 2012
- 衣恋艺术创作奖
- Born in Shenyang ,China, 1986
- Education
- 2009
- Bachelor of Arts,LuXun Academy of Fine Arts
- 2012
- MasterofArts, LuXun Academy of FineArts, research of new classical oil painting
- Solo Exhibition
- 2014
- Tired Romantic , BANK, Shanghai
- Group Exhibition
- 2013
- The Rapture of Romantic illusions ,Shanghai
- 2012
- in full blossom 55gallery, Shanghai
- What makes the end of the world so attractive Horizon art center
- LuoZhongLi scholarship 2012 Outstanding works exhibition ,Sichuan,China
- Century star creation exhibition,zhejiang,China
- The essays,SHIZAIspace Shanghai
- 2011
- exposition communicable avec France "Nimes, France
- Lu xun academy of fine arts Outstanding oil painting exhibition China shenyang
- Prize
- 2011
- Mali Art Creation Award
- Phoenix Art Creation Award
- 2012
- Yilian Award of Art Creation