- 1980-1984
- 山东艺术学院美术系,获学士学位
- 1984-1989
- 中央美术学院雕塑系,获硕士学位
- 1994
- 获"联合国教科文组织" "国际交流基金",前往印度做为期三个月的专业考察与交流
- 1997
- 获澳大利亚墨尔本大学“亚洲青年学者交流基金”前往墨尔本做为期六周的专业考察与交流
- 2000
- 在法国巴黎高等美术院作为期三个月的客座教授
- 2007
- 中央美术学院雕塑系主任、教授
- 展览
- 2017
- 隋建国, 佩斯画廊(香港)
- “远方”当代艺术展, N9艺术中心
- 隋建国——肉身成道, 佩斯画廊(北京)
- 2016
- 一次集结——缅怀与重构, 上海浦江华侨城中意文化广场
- 今天重做, 民生现代美术馆
- 纸上谈兵, 佩斯画廊(北京)
- 2015
- 黑度——奥尔弗斯的凝视, 盈艺术中心
- 隐秘的力量, 央·美术馆
- 触知区, 红专厂当代艺术馆
- Copyleft——中国挪用艺术, 上海当代艺术博物馆
- Sui Jianguo - Touchable, 佩斯画廊(北京)
- 物体系, 民生现代美术馆
- 不在现场——感官阈值与一种在地性的漂移, 南京艺术学院美术馆
- 2014
- 天人之际——余德耀藏当代艺术, 余德耀美术馆
- 2013
- 北京之声——我的伙伴, 佩斯画廊(北京)
- 林大画廊@ART021艺术博览会, 洛克•外滩源
- 占地一平方米——处境, 林大艺术中心(北京)
- OCT当代艺术中心藏品展, OCAT深圳馆
- 时代肖像——当代艺术30年, 上海当代艺术博物馆
- 剥离——国际当代玻璃艺术邀请展, 白盒子艺术馆
- 基本部, 泰康空间
- 夜走黑桥, 黑桥村
- 限量版, 四面空间
- 消极或抵抗?, 泰康空间
- 着色雕塑, 福建省美术馆
- 人间食粮——联合国世界粮食计划署抗击全球饥饿50周年纪念主题艺术展, 林大艺术中心(北京)
- 形态与意识-——中国当代艺术实验Dai-ichi回展, 今日美术馆
- 2012
- 2012打开天空——国际当代艺术展, 长江汇当代艺术中心
- 巴黎圣斯私人画廊当代中国艺术展, Saint-Cyr Grivait Gallery
- 重新发电——2012第九届上海双年展, 上海当代艺术博物馆
- 见所未见——2012第四届广州三年展主题展, 广东美术馆
- 林泉高致——当代艺术展, 白盒子艺术馆
- 景像2012——中国新艺术, 上海美术馆
- 包装箱计划,
- 佩斯北京@香港国际艺术展2012, 香港会议展览中心
- 隋建国个展, 佩斯画廊(北京)
- 2011
- Sale Contemporary Art, Urban Art, Piasa
- 北京之声——现实主义之后, 佩斯画廊(北京)
- 重温——三版工坊十五年回顾展, TangArt艺术中心
- 清晰的地平线——1978以来的中国当代雕塑, 寺上美术馆
- 龙生九子——隋建国师生作品展, 红星画廊
- 黑白, 0工场艺术中心
- 2010
- 艺术华侨城——华侨城25周年艺术收藏展, OCAT深圳馆
- “由隋建国策划”卢征远:84天,84件作品, 尤伦斯当代艺术中心(北京)
- 桥梓艺术公社首届艺术节——最低限度展, 桥梓艺术公社曾力工作室
- 轨迹与质变——北京电影学院60周年院庆当代艺术邀请展, 4°空间美术馆
- Roundabout, Wellington City Gallery
- 艺术ISSUE Projects@2010上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展, 上海展览中心
- 雕塑——隋建国与他的几个学生, 成都A4当代艺术中心
- 建构之维——2010年中国当代艺术邀请展, 中国美术馆
- 中国性——2010当代艺术研究文献展, 本色美术馆
- 生产力:复制时代的中国Ⅰ, 白盒子艺术馆
- 逾越的版图——中外名家版画精品展, 桥艺术空间
- 改造历史——2000—2009年的中国新艺术(国家会议中心), 国家会展中心
- 感·物——滚筒装置艺术展, 西门子艺术空间
- The State of Things, Brussels/Beijing, 中国美术馆
- 改造历史——2000—2009年的中国新艺术(今日美术馆), 今日美术馆
- 改造历史——2000—2009年的中国新艺术(阿拉里奥北京艺术空间), 阿拉里奥画廊(北京)
- 云端——亚洲当代艺术大展, 索卡艺术中心(北京)
- 2010
- 影像档案展——《域》, 宋庄美术馆
- 隋建国的中国制造, 艺术Art ISSUE Projects(北京)
- 情·色, Hadrien de Montferrand 画廊
- 丛林——中国当代艺术生态管窥, 站台中国当代艺术机构A空间
- 不期而遇, 卓越艺术
- 创意正阳艺术区展, 创意正阳艺术区
- 2009
- 2009三版工坊现代版画展, 3+3艺术空间
- Beijing Time / La hora de China, Matadero Madrid
- 北京-哈瓦那——中国当代艺术展, National Museum of Art
- Hadrien de Montferrand画廊开幕展, Hadrien de Montferrand 画廊
- 主场——当代艺术展, 白盒子艺术馆
- 国家遗产:一项关于视觉政治史的研究, OCAT深圳馆
- “国家遗产:一项关于视觉政治史的研究”艺术展, OCAT深圳馆
- The State of Things, Bozar Palais Des Beaux Arts
- 碰撞——关于中国当代艺术试验的案例, 中央美术学院美术馆
- 我能相信——中国当代邀请展, 繁星美术馆
- 落花时节又逢君——当代艺术邀请展, 杰森画廊
- 嘿市——发现当代艺术新价值, 宋庄美术馆
- 运动的张力——隋建国新作展, 今日美术馆
- 意派——世纪思维, 今日美术馆
- 谈话就是运动, 荔空间
- 对话芝加哥:中国当代雕塑, Millennium Park
- 《闪闪红星》:Contemporary by Angela Li一周年纪念展, Contemporary by Angela Li
- 2008
- “物界2”娑罗画廊学术邀请展, 娑罗花馆(北京)
- Made in China, Espace Cultural Ample
- 中外名家版画精品展, 3+3艺术空间
- Mediation Biennale 08, Mediation Biennale
- 艺术不是什么——中国当代艺术的45份问卷, 706大厂房
- “人民•历史”20世纪中国美术研究展, 中央美术学院美术馆
- 过来!——中国当代艺术展, 荔空间
- 亚洲方位——2008第三届南京三年展, 南京博物院
- 阿拉里奥画廊@2008上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展, 上海展览中心
- “悬在空中、浮于表面、不能靠近”艺术展, 林大艺术中心(北京)
- 集——隋建国、李象群、霍波洋中国当代雕塑家提名展, 0工厂艺术中心
- “倾斜的桃花源” C - 空间开幕展, C-空间+龙口
- Arts Times Square - Exhibition of Works by Sui Jianguo, 汉雅轩
- 2008
- 阿迪达斯“共震”运动视界艺术展, 今日美术馆
- 我们的未来——尤伦斯基金会收藏展, 尤伦斯当代艺术中心(北京)
- The Moments of Arario, 阿拉里奥画廊(天安)
- “互动时代”中国雕塑学会艺术交流中心开幕展, 中国雕塑学会艺术交流中心
- 源:第一届月亮河雕塑艺术节, 月亮河当代艺术馆
- New World Order - Contemporary Installation Art and Photography from China, Groninger Museum
- Sky——红色空间开幕首展, 红色空间
- 隋建国——公共化的个人痕迹, 卓越艺术
- 自由落体, 陈绫蕙当代空间(北京1)
- 画纸藏龙——纸上作品展, F2画廊(北京)
- Crouching Paper, Hidden Dragon - Works on paper, F2画廊(北京)
- 打鸟, 北京当代唐人艺术中心
- Face East - Chinese Contemporary Art, Robischon Gallery
- 2007
- 动漫美学超链接特展, 月亮河文化创意产业园区
- 视觉遗产:政治学还是艺术史?, 何香凝美术馆
- 长征计划五周年回顾展, 长征空间
- 点穴——隋建国艺术展(1997-2007), OCT当代艺术中心上海新浦江城展区
- “能量——精神、身体、物质”今日文献展, 今日美术馆
- 2007
- 第二届美术文献展, 湖北美术学院 湖北省艺术馆 美术文献艺术中心
- Made in China - The Estella Collection, The Israel Museum
- 壹空间画廊@2007上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展, 上海展览中心
- 动物凶猛, 墨画廊
- “青岛有消息”青岛籍艺术家新作品联展, 壹空间画廊
- 红与热:今天的亚洲艺术展来自钱尼家族的收藏, MFAH - Museum of Fine Arts Houston
- Barcelona - Paris - Pekin, Espace Cultural Ample
- Metamorphosis - The Generation of Transformation in Chinese Contemporary Art, Tampere Art Museum
- 物界——雕塑展, 娑罗花馆(北京)
- Fashion Accidentally, MOCA Taipei
- “媒介和传统的当代道路”中国当代雕塑十人展, 亚洲艺术中心(北京)
- The Weight of Reality, Primo Marella Gallery
- 重影《当代雕塑三人展》, TRA画廊
- 大提速——隋建国空间影象作品展, 阿拉里奥画廊(北京)
- 隋建国个展, 阿拉里奥画廊(北京)
- 第二届莫斯科双年展, Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art
- 2006
- 恒动:当代艺术对话, 上海当代艺术馆
- 二踢脚——中国当代艺术展, 北京当代唐人艺术中心
- “红旗飘飘飘”当代艺术展, 0工场艺术中心
- 雕塑空间——学院雕塑家作品展, 牛画廊
- Absolute Images: Chinese Contemporary Art, 阿拉里奥画廊(天安)
- 江湖——中国当代艺术欧美巡展, Tilton Gallery
- 34 Contemporary Chinese Artists, Anna Kustera Gallery
- 在过去和未来之间:来自中国的新摄影和录象(德国), Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt
- China Trade, Centre A - Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
- On the Edge: Contemporary Chinese Artists Encounter the West, Davis Museum and Cultural Center, Wellesley College
- 虚拟的爱, 上海当代艺术馆
- 2005
- 装修——生产关系, 长征空间
- 美丽的讽喻, 阿拉里奥画廊(北京)
- “翻手为云,覆手为雨”TS1当代艺术中心第一回展, 壹空间画廊
- 一万年——当代艺术展, 北京后现代城
- “东经 116°与北纬 40°的聚落”国际当代艺术展, 站台中国当代艺术机构A空间
- 各玩各的当代艺术展, 0工场艺术中心
- 东经 北纬 部落,
- Mahjong - Chinesische Gegenwartskunst, Kunstmuseum Bern
- 新长征空间开幕展, 长征空间
- 隋建国——理性的沉睡,
- 透明的盒子,
- 先锋——中国前卫雕塑,
- 2004
- 海洋雕塑展,
- 美术文献提名展, 美术文献艺术中心
- 神变成人,
- Olympic Cities - Gods Becoming Men, Frissiras Museum
- 想象中国,
- 什么东西,
- 游于气,
- 过去与未来之间——来自中国的新摄影及录像(美国), Asia Society and Museum
- 过去和未来之间:来自中国的新摄影和录像(纽约), International Center of Photography
- 釜山雕塑展,
- Sui Jianguo - The Sleep of Reason, Asian Art Museum
- Chinese Contemporary Art, Anna D' Ascanio
- 道与魔:里里外外,
- 超越界限,
- 轻而易举!上海拼图2000—2004艺术展,
- 2003
- 打开天空——上海多伦现代美术馆当代艺术展, 上海多伦现代美术馆
- 左翼艺术展, 左岸工社
- 当代景观陶艺展,
- 别墅美术馆:条件中的观念, 北京三合艺术中心
- 二手现实, 今日美术馆
- 今日中国美术大展, 中华世纪坛世界艺术馆
- 媒体中心计划, 长征空间
- 2003
- 波弗特当代艺术海滨三年展, Beaufort Triennale
- 当代艺术三年展——海,
- 中日韩三国当代雕塑展,
- Chinart15, Macro, Museo D'arte Contemporanea
- 观念地产展——中国住交会会场,
- 红色记忆中德当代艺术联展,
- 开放的时代,
- 2002
- 首届广州三年展——重新解读:中国实验艺术十年(1990——2000), 广东美术馆
- Beijig Afloat, 北京东京艺术工程
- 北京浮世绘,
- 中国制造,
- 中国三年展,
- 中国当代艺术家们的足球世界杯, 中华世纪坛世界艺术馆
- 东方广场雕塑精品展,
- 理想主义的艺术家,
- Artists of the ideal, Galleria D'arte Moderna E Contemporanea Palazzo Forti
- 制造中国,
- 海市蜃楼,
- 广州三年展,
- 巴黎——北京,
- 长征——一个行走中的视觉展示,
- 2001
- 被移植的现场——第四届深圳当代雕塑艺术展, 何香凝美术馆
- 梦, Atlantic’s Gallery
- 永久,
- 海边的艺术,
- 开放2001——第四届雕塑与装置国际展,
- 在天堂与大地之间——今日艺术中的新古典主义运动,
- 迹象未来——红门画廊十周年展,
- 2000
- Photography as Fine Art, Galerie Skala
- 海上·上海——2000年第三届上海双年展, 上海美术馆
- 2000
- Shanghai Biennale - Spirit of Shanghai, Shanghai Biennale
- 5e Biennale de Lyon - Partage d'exotismes, La biennale d'art contemporain de Lyon
- 东方广场——中国雕塑精品展,
- 共享异国情调——里昂当代艺术双年展,
- 中国当代雕塑邀请展,
- 中国雕塑邀请展,
- 中国“人文山水”环境艺术展,
- 海上,上海——上海双年展,
- 1999
- 衣纹研究——隋建国作品展,
- 平衡的生存:生态城市的未来方案——第二届当代雕塑艺术年度展, 何香凝美术馆
- 第二届中国当代雕塑年展,
- 香榭丽舍大道第二届雕塑展, Les Champs de la Sculpture
- 体积与造型,
- 创新II, China Art Archives & Warehouse (CAAW)
- 转换——二十世纪末中国艺术,
- 世纪之门,
- 中国前卫艺术展,
- 第十四届亚洲国际艺术展,
- 从中国出发新艺术展,
- 中国当代艺术四人展,
- 1998
- 第一届中国当代雕塑艺术年度展, 何香凝美术馆
- 中国当代雕塑年展,
- 中国当代美术二十年启示录,
- 两性平台艺术展,
- 传统反思当代艺术作品展,
- 活着,
- 1997
- 延续 五人作品展,
- 接点——中、日、韩当代艺术展,
- 世纪的影子——隋建国作品展,
- 中国之梦,
- 当代艺术邀请展,
- 1996
- 欧亚大陆东侧•装置与绘画1996,
- 亚洲四国野外雕塑国际交流展,
- 95年度批评家提名展(雕塑、装置),
- 隋建国作品展,
- 首届当代艺术学术邀请展,
- 现实:今天与明天——96中国当代艺术,
- 1995
- 女人、现场——三人联合工作室二展,
- 开发计划——三人联合工作室一展,
- 沉积与断层——隋建国作品展,
- 来自中心的国家——1979年以来的中国前卫艺术展,
- 1994
- 物质及其想象力•亚洲雕塑邀请展,
- 记忆空间——隋建国作品展,
- 雕塑1994•系列个人作品展,
- 1993
- 隋建国、王克平雕刻展,
- 后89中国新艺术大展,
- 1992
- 中国当代青年雕塑家邀请展,
- 方位92三人展,
- 1990
- 第一工作室展,
- 1986
- 山东青年美展,
- 1994
- UNESCO Aschberg, Internrational Fundation for Promotion of Culture
- 1997
- Melbourne University Travel Grant for Young Asian Scholarship
- 2000
- Guest Professorship in ENSBA, Paris
- 2007
- Professor and Chairman, Department of Sculpture, Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing, China.
- Sui Jianguo (b. 1956, Qingdao, China) received a BA in the Fine Arts Department from the Shandong University of Arts in 1984 and an MA in the Sculpture Department from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1989, where he currently presides as the Head of the Sculpture Department. He has been praised by art critics for being a “pioneer venturing to the farthest reaches of Chinese sculpture.” Sui Jianguo’s art explores his unique understanding and recognition of creation, form, diverse media, alternative methods, and space-time. Sui Jianguo’s sculpture succeeds in bringing forth introspection on the artistic process in modern China. Whether it be the Realism in his early works or the classic shapes in his later Mao Jacket and Dinosaur pieces, both rely on the wisdom of native Chinese genealogy and channels of culture to serve as ways to solve problems, functioning as outlets.
- Exhibitions
- UPCOMING Anren Biennale - The Rhetoric of Family Tree,
- 2017
- Sui Jianguo, Pace Hong Kong
- Sui Jian Guo - Trace, Pace Beijing
- 2016
- An Instance of Concentration - Reminiscence and Reconstruction,
- Everyday Legend, Minsheng Art Museum
- Talking on Paper, Pace Beijing
- 2015
- Black Mimension - The Gaze of Orpheus, Ying Art Center
- Concealed Power, Yang Art Museum
- Stereognosis Zone, Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art
- Copyleft - Appropriation Art in China Vernissage, Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum
- Sui Jianguo - Touchable, Pace Beijing
- The System of Objects, Minsheng Art Museum
- Not On Site - Absolute Threshold And Atype of Site-specific Drift, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts
- 2014
- Myth / History - Yuz Collection of Contemporary Art, Yuz Museum
- 2013
- Beijing Voice - Relations, Pace Beijing
- Linda Gallery@ART021, Rockbund
- One Meter Square - Situation, Linda Gallery (Beijing)
- Stripping - International Contemporary Glass Art Invitational Exhibition, White Box Museum
- Groundwork Community, Taikang Space
- Heiqiao Night Away,
- The Limited Edition, 4-Face Space Gallery
- 2012
- 2012 Open Sky - An Exhibition of International Contemporary Art,
- Chinese contempory art privait view, Saint-Cyr Grivait Gallery
- Power Station - 2012 Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum
- Packing case project,
- Pace Beijing@ART HK 2012, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
- Sui Jianguo Solo Exhibition, Pace Beijing
- 2011
- Sale Contemporary Art, Urban Art, Piasa
- Beijing Voice - Leaving Realism Behind, Pace Beijing
- Recapture, TangArt
- Endless Variations, Red Star Gallery
- 2010
- "Curated By Sui Jianguo" Lu Zhengyuan: 84 Days, 84 Works, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (Beijing)
- Roundabout, Wellington City Gallery
- ART ISSUE Projects@ShContemporary 2010 Shanghai Art Fair International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Shanghai Exhibition Center
- Sculpture - Sui Jianguo and His Students, Chengdu A4 Contemporary Arts Center
- The Constructed Dimension - 2010 Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, The National Art Museum of China
- Nature of China - 2010 Contemporary Art Documenta, True Color Museum
- Productivity: China in the Copy Time Ⅰ, White Box Museum
- Reshaping History: Chinart from 2000 to 2009 (China National Convention Center), China National Convention Center
- The State of Things, Brussels/Beijing, The National Art Museum of China
- Reshaping History: Chinart from 2000 to 2009 (Today Art Museum ), Today Art Museum
- Reshaping History: Chinart from 2000 to 2009 (Arario Gallery), Arario Gallery (Beijing)
- Clouds - Power of Asian Contemporary Art, Soka Art Center (Beijing)
- Made in China by Sui Jianguo, Art ISSUE Projects (Beijing)
- Erotic, Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery
- Jungle - A Close-up Focus on Chinese Contemporary Art Trends, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute Space A
- Unexpected Encounter, Overview Joy Art
- 2009
- 2009 Sanban Studio Mordern Prints Exhibition, 3+3 Art Space
- Beijing Time / La hora de China, Matadero Madrid
- Beijing - Havana, China Contemporary Art Exhibition, National Museum of Art
- Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery Inaugural Exhibition, Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery
- The Home Court: An Exibition of Contemporary Art, White Box Museum
- State Legacy, OCAT Shenzhen
- The State of Things, Bozar Palais Des Beaux Arts
- Collision - Experimental Cases of Contemporary Chinese Art, CAFA Art Museum
- I Can Believe - Chinese Contemporary Artist's (Invitation) Exhibition & Star Art Museum Opening Ceremany,
- Heymarket - Discover New Value of Contemporary Art, Song Zhuang Art Center
- Motion/Tension: New Work by Sui Jianguo, Today Art Museum
- Yi Pai - Century Thinking, Today Art Museum
- Rave Forum, Li - SPACE
- A Conversation with Chicago: Contemporary Sculpture from China, Millennium Park
- 2008
- Made in China, Espace Cultural Ample
- Chinese and Foreign Masters Fine Print Exhibition, 3+3 Art Space
- Mediation Biennale 08, Mediation Biennale
- People History - Exhibition of Studies of Chinese Art of the 20th Century, CAFA Art Museum
- We Shall Overome, Li - SPACE
- Reflective Asia - 3rd Nanjing Triennial, Nanjing Museum
- Arario Gallery@ShContemporary 08, Shanghai Exhibition Center
- Assemblage - Contemporary Sculptors Nominated Exhibition By Sui Jianguo Li Xiangqun Huo Boyang,
- Inaugural Exhibition of C-Space " SHIPS AT SEA ", C-Space+Local
- Arts Times Square - Exhibition of Works by Sui Jianguo, Hanart TZ Gallery
- Our Future - The Guy and Myriam Ullens Foundation Collection, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (Beijing)
- The Moments of Arario, Arario Gallery (Cheonan)
- The Origin - The First Annual Moon River Sculpture Festival, Moon River Museum of Contemporary Art
- New World Order - Contemporary Installation Art and Photography from China, Groninger Museum
- Sui Jianguo: Revealing Traces, Overview Joy Art
- Free Fall, Chen Ling Hui Contemporary Space (Beijing 1)
- Crouching Paper, Hidden Dragon - Works on paper, F2 Gallery (Beijing)
- Hunting Birds, Tang Contemporary Art Beijing
- Face East - Chinese Contemporary Art, Robischon Gallery
- 2007
- Long March Project 5 Year Retrospective, Long March Space
- Sui Jianguo Art Exhibition (1997-2007),
- The First Today's Documents 2007 - Energy: Spirit•Body•Material, Today Art Museum
- 2nd Documentary Exhibition of Fine Art 2007, Fine Arts Literature Art Center Hubei Academy of Fine Arts Hubei Museum of Art
- Made in China - The Estella Collection, The Israel Museum
- TS1 Gallery@ShContemporary 07, Shanghai Exhibition Center
- Wild Beast, Mook Gallery
- Message from Tsingtao, TS1 Gallery
- Red Hot: Asian Art Today from the Chaney Family Collection, MFAH - Museum of Fine Arts Houston
- Barcelona - Paris - Pekin, Espace Cultural Ample
- Metamorphosis - The Generation of Transformation in Chinese Contemporary Art, Tampere Art Museum
- Matter Circles - Sculpture Show, Suoluo Gallery (Beijing)
- Fashion Accidentally, MOCA Taipei
- The Weight of Reality, Primo Marella Gallery
- Overlapping Shadows - Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition of Three Artists, TRA Gallery
- Speeding Up - SuiJianguo Space-Video work exhibition, Arario Gallery (Beijing)
- Sui Jianguo Solo Exhibition, Arario Gallery (Beijing)
- 2 Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art
- 2006
- Art in Motion, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
- Double-sound cracker, Tang Contemporary Art Beijing
- Sculpture Space - Academy Sculptor Works Exhibition, New Gallery
- Absolute Images: Chinese Contemporary Art, Arario Gallery (Cheonan)
- Jiang Hu, Tilton Gallery
- 34 Contemporary Chinese Artists, Anna Kustera Gallery
- China - Between Past and Future (Germany), Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt
- China Trade, Centre A - Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
- On the Edge: Contemporary Chinese Artists Encounter the West, Davis Museum and Cultural Center, Wellesley College
- Fiction Love, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
- 2005
- Renovation - Relations of Production, Long March Space
- Beautiful Cynicism, Arario Gallery (Beijing)
- Conspire The First Exhibition of TS1 Contemporary Art Center, TS1 Gallery
- Convergence at E116°/N40°, Beijing 2005 - International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute Space A
- Mahjong - Chinesische Gegenwartskunst, Kunstmuseum Bern
- The New Long March Space Inaugural Exhibition, Long March Space
- Suijianguo: The Sleep of Reason,
- Transparent Box,
- XIANFENG: Chinese Avant-garde Sculpture,
- 2004
- Exhibition of Nominates for Art Documentation, Fine Arts Literature Art Center
- Gods Becoming Men,
- Olympic Cities - Gods Becoming Men, Frissiras Museum
- What Is Art - Two Wrongs Can Make One Right,
- Playing With Chi Energy,
- Between Past and Future: New Photography and Video from China (USA), Asia Society and Museum
- Between Past and Future: New Photography and Video from China (New York), International Center of Photography
- Fusan Sculpture Project,
- Sui Jianguo - The Sleep of Reason, Asian Art Museum
- Chinese Contemporary Art, Anna D' Ascanio
- Light as Fuck! Shanghai Assemblage 2000-2004,
- 2003
- OPEN SKY -- AN EXHIBITION OF CONTEMPORARY ART, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art
- Left-wing,
- Exhibition of Modern Ceramic Art,
- The Villa Art Museum: Concepts in Situ,
- Second Hand Reality, Today Art Museum
- Media Center Project, Long March Space
- 2003
- Beaufort: kunst aan zee, Beaufort Triennale
- Beaufort Triennial Contemporary Art by the Sea,
- Contemporary Sculpture - China Korea Japan,
- Chinart15, Macro, Museo D'arte Contemporanea
- 2002
- The First Guangzhou Trienale-Reinterpretation: A Decade of Experimental Chinese Art (1990-2000), Guangdong Museum of Art
- Beijig Afloat, Beijing Tokyo Art Projects
- Beijing Float Tokyo - Beijing Art Projection,
- Made in China,
- Triennial of China,
- Artists of Ideal,
- Artists of the ideal, Galleria D'arte Moderna E Contemporanea Palazzo Forti
- The First Guangzhou Triennial,
- Paris - Pekin,
- 2001
- Transplantation in Situ, He Xiangning Art Museum
- Dream, Atlantic’s Gallery
- Forever,
- Art on the Beach,
- Between Earth and Heaven: New Classical Movements in the Art of Today,
- Clues to the Future - Red Gate Gallery's 10th Anniversary,
- 2000
- Photography as Fine Art, Galerie Skala
- 2000
- Shanghai Biennale - Spirit of Shanghai, Shanghai Biennale
- 5e Biennale de Lyon - Partage d'exotismes, La biennale d'art contemporain de Lyon
- Sharing Exoticisms - Contemporary Art Lyon Biennale,
- Chinese Contemporary Sculpture Invitational Exhibition,
- Chinese Humanistic Mountains and Water - Environmental Artistic Exhibition,
- 1999
- Clothes Veins Study,
- Second Annual Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition,
- Les Champs de la Sculpture 2000, Les Champs de la Sculpture
- Volume and Form-Singapore Art Festival,
- Innovations Part II, China Art Archives & Warehouse (CAAW)
- Transience: Chinese Art at the End of the Twentieth Century,
- At the Door of the New Century,
- Start from China,
- Chinese Contemporary Arts by Four Artists,
- 1998
- Review•Traditions,
- 1997
- A Point of Contact - Korean Chinese and Japanese Contemporary Art,
- You Meet the Shadow of Hundred Years,
- 1996
- From the East of Asia - Installation and Painting,
- Works Nominated By Art Critics (Sculpture and Installation) Jiangsu Monthly Magazine,
- Exhibition of Work by Sui Jianguo,
- 1995
- Women Site,
- Plan for Development,
- Deposit and Fault,
- Des Pais del Centre, Avantguardes Artistiques Xineses,
- 1994
- Substance and Creativity: Asian Arts and Craft from Its Origin to the Present Day,
- Remembrance of Space,
- 1993
- Sui Jianguo and Wang Kerping Sculpture Exhibition,
- 1992
- Position 92,
- 1990
- Exhibition of Art Workshop No. 1,
- 1986
- Exhibition of Yong Artists in Shandong,