- 1977-1985
- 进入中国江西景德镇市雕塑瓷厂创作室工作
- 1985-1989
- 中国江西景德镇陶瓷学院美术系雕塑专业毕业
- 1989-2004
- 在中国昆明云南艺术学院美术学院雕塑系任教授
- 2004
- 在中国上海大学美术学院雕塑系任教授
- 刘建华是实力派雕塑家和装置艺术家,现为中国上海大学美术学院雕塑系教授.。黑龙江美术家协会会员。
- 展览
- 2017
- 应物象形, 佩斯画廊
- 要空间方案展——局部档案, 要空间
- 2016
- 一次集结——缅怀与重构, 上海浦江华侨城中意文化广场
- 忽逢桃花林, 草场地大众浴池
- 今天重做, 民生现代美术馆
- 何处惹尘埃, 佩斯画廊(香港)
- 工作室, 乔空间
- 集物一览——古今对话, 上海BA艺术中心
- 我们—— 一个关于中国当代艺术家的力量, K11艺术空间
- M+希克藏品——中国当代艺术四十年, M+博物馆
- 刘建华个展——转换, 道斯美术馆
- 2015
- 政纯会——政纯办十周年, 泰康空间
- 隐秘的力量, 央·美术馆
- 刘建华——之间, 佩斯画廊(伦敦)
- 刘建华——To Be Done, 佩斯画廊(香港)
- 依然上海, 上海当代艺术馆
- 物体系, 民生现代美术馆
- 天人之际II——上海星空, 余德耀美术馆
- 2014
- 不在图像中行动, 北京当代唐人艺术中心 常青画廊(北京) 佩斯画廊(北京)
- 书房, Jewelvary Art and Boutique
- 在创造——当代艺术在震旦, 震旦博物馆
- 政纯办——全民健身, 尤伦斯当代艺术中心(北京)
- 佩斯画廊@上海廿一当代艺术博览会, 洛克•外滩源
- 做同一件好事, 纽约时报广场
- 政纯办!, Queens Museum of Art
- 上交会, 激烈空间
- 刘建华——方, 佩斯画廊(北京)
- 第三届美术文献展, 湖北美术馆 美术文献艺术中心
- 第三世界的世界III, 曼谷朱拉隆功大学艺术中心
- East Bridge——前卫艺术阅读上的缺席, 798艺术工厂
- 夏季群展, 佩斯画廊(香港)
- 时间的裂缝, 上海当代艺术馆
- Discard——刘建华, TKG+
- CHINA——当代陶瓷炼金术 第一回, 南京艺术学院美术馆
- 2013
- 北京公社@ART021艺术博览会, 洛克•外滩源
- 剩余价值——环保艺术展, 陆家嘴中心绿地观景篷
- 叠影重重——第二届朱家角当代艺术展, 朱家角古镇
- 滤镜, 上海环球金融中心
- 造剧——剥光当前,
- 迪奥精神, 上海当代艺术馆
- 时代肖像——当代艺术30年, 上海当代艺术博物馆
- 陶醉——上海当代艺术馆八周年特别展, 上海当代艺术馆
- 意象, 上海喜玛拉雅美术馆
- 艺术500——“创意天下”500期特别节目中外名家艺术作品展, 翡翠画廊
- 美然艺境, 海棠画廊
- 杜尚 与/或/在 中国, 尤伦斯当代艺术中心(北京)
- 消极或抵抗?, 泰康空间
- 上海惊奇——场关于上海当代艺术的群展, K11艺术空间
- 2012
- 究竟是什么使得世界末日如此的吸引人?, 视界艺术中心(1空间)
- 中产阶级拘谨的魅力——当代华人观点, 易雅居当代空间馆
- 未来通行证全球巡回展——今日北京站, 今日美术馆
- 时光旅行者, 上海外滩美术馆
- 独自秀——陈万毅、刘伯骏、刘建华、罗平安、林安琪、张宾艺术展, 北京首都机场朗豪酒店
- 刘建华, 佩斯画廊(北京)
- 沪申画廊(外滩三号)@香港国际艺术展2012, 香港会议展览中心
- 2011
- Modern & Contemporary Prints,
- 北京之声——现实主义之后, 佩斯画廊(北京)
- 清晰的地平线——1978以来的中国当代雕塑, 寺上美术馆
- 物性——2011上海当代艺术邀请展暨学术研讨会, 上海东廊艺术画廊
- 啸墙——刘建华个展, 尤伦斯当代艺术中心(北京)
- 北京公社 | 北京@2011上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展, 上海展览中心
- 沪申画廊 | 上海@2011上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展, 上海展览中心
- “桃浦大楼”第三期——海报展, 桃浦当代艺术中心
- 无所遁形——爱德文•斯瓦克曼、刘建华对话展, OCT当代艺术中心上海新浦江城展区
- “桃浦大楼”第二期——当代艺术活动, 桃浦当代艺术中心
- 北京公社@香港国际艺术博览会2011, 香港会议展览中心
- 我们是政纯办——政治纯形式办公室, 沪申画廊(外滩三号)
- 黑白, 0工场艺术中心
- 2010
- 艺术华侨城——华侨城25周年艺术收藏展, OCAT深圳馆
- 草稿—上海——希克收藏中国当代艺术展, 伯尔尼美术馆
- 轨迹与质变——北京电影学院60周年院庆当代艺术邀请展, 4°空间美术馆
- 双簧, 东大名创库
- 阿拉里奥@2010上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展, 上海展览中心
- 沪申画廊@2010上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展, 上海展览中心
- 三生万物——证大当代艺术陈列馆开馆活动, 证大当代艺术空间
- 漂浮的风景——刘建华个展, 张江当代艺术馆
- 游山玩水, 赵绪成艺术馆
- 2010
- 马爹利非凡艺术人物巡展, 上海美术馆
- 中国性——2010当代艺术研究文献展, 本色美术馆
- 上海之上——当代艺术展, 爱普生影艺坊(上海)
- 17th Biennale of Sydney - The Beauty and the Distance, Biennale of Sydney
- 改造历史——2000—2009年的中国新艺术(国家会议中心), 国家会展中心
- 改造历史——2000—2009年的中国新艺术(今日美术馆), 今日美术馆
- 改造历史——2000—2009年的中国新艺术(阿拉里奥北京艺术空间), 阿拉里奥画廊(北京)
- 纪念·残留, 常青画廊(北京)
- 出云南记——90年代中国当代艺术之一脉, 天安时间当代艺术中心(原址)
- 2009
- 生化—虚实之间——2009动漫美学双年展, 今日美术馆
- 地平线——刘建华个展, 北京公社
- 空白展2009制造生活, 中间艺术馆
- 关于爱? 关于战争?, Stux
- 当代艺术展在松江, 上海松江创意工坊
- 常青画廊@2009上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展, 上海展览中心
- 上海滩1979—2009, 局门路436号
- 热身, 民生现代美术馆
- 豆腐、功夫、Polit-Sheer-Form, 北京公社
- 回溯与探索——美术文献艺术中心收藏展, 湖北省艺术馆
- 小制作“第八回”, Vanguard画廊
- 都市中——中国当代艺术选展,
- 2008
- 而都是我——21位中国艺术家的自拍像, 千高原艺术空间(成都)
- 冲突中的梦想, 常青画廊(圣吉米那诺)
- 迪奥与中国艺术家, 尤伦斯当代艺术中心(北京)
- 图书馆, 北京公社
- 第六届深圳当代雕塑艺术展成都巡展:透视的景观, 成都华侨城当代艺术中心
- 亚洲方位——2008第三届南京三年展, 南京博物院
- 北京公社@2008上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展, 上海展览中心
- Galerie Paul Freches@2008上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展, 上海展览中心
- 沪申画廊(外滩三号)@2008上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展, 上海展览中心
- “失眠”摄影展, 比翼艺术中心
- 上海焦点——当代艺术展, 上海大学美术学院99创意中心
- 中间视界——2008两岸当代艺术交流展, 五角场800号艺术空间
- 移花接木——中国当代艺术中的后现代方式艺术展, 红日画廊 华•美术馆
- 新生代艺术家联展, 仕画廊
- 原料结合中国与希腊艺术家的对话, 上海当代艺术馆
- 他人的世界, 上海当代艺术馆
- The world of others, 上海当代艺术馆
- 刘建华个展, 北京公社
- 塑造食物, Walsh Gallery
- 源:第一届月亮河雕塑艺术节, 月亮河当代艺术馆
- 我们在哪儿?开幕展, 天安时间当代艺术中心(原址)
- New World Order - Contemporary Installation Art and Photography from China, Groninger Museum
- “乡愁”记忆与虚构的现实, 梯空间
- Facing the Reality: Chinese Contemporary Art, 中国美术馆
- 政先生, Boonna Café y.y Club
- Collecció d’Art Contemporani Fundació ”la Caixa”, Caixa Forum
- 都市镜像——当代艺术邀请展, 深圳美术馆
- 追补的历史——馆庆十周年馆藏当代艺术展, 广东美术馆
- 复原,
- 活的中国园林——艺术展,
- 现场张江——悬浮特快2008,
- 新世界秩序:当代装置和摄影,
- 中国——面对现实, 中国美术馆
- 介入:艺术生活366天,
- 无题,
- 2007
- 动漫美学超链接特展, 月亮河文化创意产业园区
- “政纯办在上海”政纯办个展, 比翼艺术中心
- 第六届深圳当代雕塑艺术展:透视的景观, 何香凝美术馆 OCAT深圳馆
- 政治纯形式, 北京公社
- 中国——面向现实, Mumok, Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig
- “能量——精神、身体、物质”今日文献展, 今日美术馆
- 现在中国, Cobra Museum Voor Moderne Kunst Amstelveen
- “菁华瑞佳人”刘建华油画个展, 具象画廊
- “出口——货物转运”刘建华个展, 沪申画廊(外滩三号)
- 被枪毙的方案, 可当代艺术中心
- 《夜色》——2007上海艺术家提名作品邀请展, 上海元典画廊
- “媒介和传统的当代道路”中国当代雕塑十人展, 亚洲艺术中心(北京)
- 你以为你是谁?, 北京当代唐人艺术中心
- 从西南出发——西南当代艺术展, 广东美术馆
- The Year of the Golden Pig - Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection, Lewis Glucksman Gallery
- 第二届莫斯科双年展, Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art
- 远眺, 望东艺集
- 异想——刘建华个展, 常青画廊(北京)
- 莫斯科双年展——中国当代社会艺术展,
- 我们是未来——第二届莫斯科双年展,
- 今日中国,
- 日常•易碎,
- 日常•易碎:墓,
- 2006
- 恒动:当代艺术对话, 上海当代艺术馆
- 上海当代艺术馆文献展——入境:中国美学, 上海当代艺术馆
- 第六届上海双年展——国际学生展, 上海美术馆
- 新加坡双年展, Singapore Biennale
- 城市的皮肤, 深圳美术馆
- Absolute Images: Chinese Contemporary Art, 阿拉里奥画廊(天安)
- Can you tell me?, 比翼艺术中心
- 城市的皮肤——当代都市影像的可能性研究影像展, 深圳美术馆
- Only One Wall, Artspace
- 虚拟的爱, 上海当代艺术馆
- 今日中国:艺术中的转世魅影, Vienna Essl Museum
- 2005
- 美丽的讽喻, 阿拉里奥画廊(北京)
- “东经 116°与北纬 40°的聚落”国际当代艺术展, 站台中国当代艺术机构A空间
- 只有一面墙, 北京公社
- Mahjong - Chinesische Gegenwartskunst, Kunstmuseum Bern
- 蒙彼利埃 2, Nadace Prague Biennale
- 麻将——中国当代艺术希克收藏展,
- 先锋——中国前卫雕塑,
- 韩国第三届世界陶瓷艺术双年展,
- 寂静的典雅——东亚当代艺术展,
- 第二届广州三年展自我组织单元——比翼艺术中心: 如何将广州变成上海,
- 如何把广州变成上海,
- 寂静的优雅:东亚的现代艺术, Mori Art Museum
- 2004
- 龙族之梦——中国当代艺术展, Irish Museum of Modern Art - IMMA
- 上海多伦青年美术大展, 上海多伦现代美术馆
- Aerobic Artists, 泰国曼谷当代唐人艺术中心
- Chinese Contemporary Art, Anna D' Ascanio
- 身体•中国,
- 开放亚洲2004:第七届威尼斯国际雕塑及装置展,
- 6276
- 1232快递展, 比翼艺术中心
- 刘建华作品展,
- 泥土的秘密:从高更到葛姆雷,
- 2003
- 打开天空——上海多伦现代美术馆当代艺术展, 上海多伦现代美术馆
- 造境:第50届威尼斯双年展中国馆, 广东美术馆
- “你真的认识吗?”——刘建华作品展, 香格纳画廊(上海)
- Chinart15, Macro, Museo D'arte Contemporanea
- 另一种现代性,
- 中国怎么样?中国当代艺术展,
- 第50届威尼斯双年展中国馆,
- 2002
- 首届中国艺术三年展, 广州艺术博物院
- 趣味过剩, 3H艺术中心
- 釜山双年展,
- 梦幻02,
- 来自中国的当代艺术(匈牙利),
- 来自中国的当代艺术(意大利),
- 来自中国的当代艺术(德国),
- 巴黎——北京,
- 33届巴塞尔国际艺术博览会,
- 刘建华作品展,
- 金钱和价值——最后的禁忌,
- 食欲——中韩艺术作品展,
- 2001
- 当代艺术三人展,
- 32届巴塞尔国际艺术博览会,
- 男孩?女孩展,
- 中国制造——15人当代艺术作品联展,
- 愉悦和幻想,
- 瓷性的肌肤,
- 艺术时代——首届精文艺术大展,
- 第一届成都双年展学生特展,
- 2000
- Photography as Fine Art, Galerie Skala
- 中国造像展(香港),
- 中国造像展(英国),
- 当代艺术15人联展,
- 转世时代——2000中国当代艺术展,
- 第二届中国当代雕塑家邀请展,
- 冲突与选择当代雕塑艺术展,
- 两个城市的神话——亚洲当代艺术,
- 与摩尔对话——当代雕塑作品邀请展,
- 1999
- China 46(台北),
- China 46(上海),
- 99开启新通道——东宇美术馆首届当代艺术作品收藏展,
- 从中国出发新艺术展,
- 像唯物主义那样美丽新艺术展,
- 昆明三位艺术家当代艺术展,
- 世纪之门,
- 1998
- 第一届中国当代雕塑艺术年度展, 何香凝美术馆
- 中国当代艺术第五回文献展,
- 第一届当代雕塑艺术展,
- 传统反思当代艺术作品展,
- 1997
- 生活类型,
- 都市人格四人艺术邀请展,
- 1996
- 中国当代艺术文献展第四回——雕塑与当代文化,
- 敬畏生命,
- 来自中国的当代艺术——3人作品展,
- 1995
- 现在状态展,
- 1994
- 西南艺术关注展,
- 1993
- 毛走向波普——中国新艺术展(澳大利亚),
- 1992
- 中国第三届体育美术作品展,
- 1991
- 现代雕塑陶艺作品展,
- 1977-1985
- Worked in the Manufacturing Section of the Jingdezhen Pottery & Porcelain Sculpturing Factory, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province, China
- 1985-1989
- Studied in the Fine Arts Department of the Jingdezhen Pottery & Porcelain College, Majoring in Sculpture
- 1989-2004
- Associate Professor of the Sculpture Department of the Yunnan Arts Institute, Kunming, Yunnan Province
- 2004
- Associate Professor of the Sculpture Department of the Fine Arts School of Shanghai University
- Liu Jianhua is the power to send sculptor and installation artist, is currently in Shanghai, China Academy of Fine Arts University sculpture professor in the Department.. Heilongjiang Artists Association.
- Exhibitions
- ONGOING 57th Venice Biennale, 2017 - Viva Arte Viva, Settore Arte
- 2017
- Narrative Through Form - A Survey of Chinese Art, Pace Gallery
- Yell Space Programme Exhibition - Partial Archive, Yell Space
- 2016
- An Instance of Concentration - Reminiscence and Reconstruction,
- Stumbling on a Peach Blossom Grove, Caochangdi People's Bathhouse
- Everyday Legend, Minsheng Art Museum
- Where Can the Dust Alight, Pace Hong Kong
- Studio, Qiao Space
- Collecting the Past towards the Present - A Conversation between Now and Then, BA ART SPACE
- We - A Community of Chinese Contemporary Artists, chi K11 art space
- Liu Jianhua Solo Exhibition - Transfer, The Dowse Art Museum
- 2015
- Polit-Sheer-Form Meeting - The 10th Anniversary of Polit-Sheer-Form, Taikang Space
- Concealed Power, Yang Art Museum
- Liu Jianhua - Between, Pace London
- Liu Jianhua - To Be Done, Pace Hong Kong
- Shanghai Ever, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
- The System of Objects, Minsheng Art Museum
- Myth History II - Shanghai Galaxy, Yuz Museum
- 2014
- Unlived by What is Seen, Galleria Continua (Beijing) Pace Beijing Tang Contemporary Art Beijing
- Study, Jewelvary Art and Boutique
- The Making of A Museum, Aurora Museum
- Polit-Sheer-Form - Fitness for All, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (Beijing)
- Pace Gallery@2014 ART021, Rockbund
- Polit Sheer Form, Queens Museum of Art
- Shanghai DEAL,
- Liu Jianhua - Square, Pace Beijing
- The World III in the Third World, The Art Center of Chulalongkorn University
- East Bridge - In The Absence Of Avant Garde Reading, 798 Art Factory
- Summer Group Show, Pace Hong Kong
- Aura of Poetry, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
- Discard - Liu Jianhua, TKG+
- 2013
- Beijing Commune@ART021, Rockbund
- Residual Value - Environmental Art Exhibition,
- The Overlapping Reflection - 2th Zhujiajiao Contemporary Art Exhibition,
- Filter The Public, SWFC - Shanghai World Financial Center
- Undressing The Present,
- Esprit Dior, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
- Revel - Celebrating MoCA’s 8 Years in Shanghai, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
- Insightful Charisma, Himalayas Art Museum Shanghai
- Art 500 - Dimensions of Dialogue, Halcyon Gallery
- Duchamp and/or /in China, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (Beijing)
- Shanghai Surprise - A Group Show On Contemporary Art In Shanghai, chi K11 art space
- 2012
- Just What is It About The End of The World That Makes It So Appeling?, V Arts Centre (Space 1)
- The discreet charm of the bourgeoisie - Contemporary Visions on China, Yi&C
- Liu Jianhua, Pace Beijing
- Shanghai Gallery of Art@ART HK 2012, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
- 2011
- Modern & Contemporary Prints,
- Beijing Voice - Leaving Realism Behind, Pace Beijing
- Nature of Matter-Invited Exhibition, Shanghai Eastlink Gallery
- Screaming Walls - Liu Jianhua Solo Exhibition, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (Beijing)
- Beijing Commune | Beijing@SH Contemporary 2011, Shanghai Exhibition Center
- Shanghai Gallery of Art | Shanghai@SH Contemporary 2011, Shanghai Exhibition Center
- "Top Evnets" 3rd Session - Poster Exhibition, TOP Contemporary Art Center
- Vanished Boundaries: A Dialogue Between Edwin Zwakman and Liu Jianhua,
- Top Events - 2nd Session, TOP Contemporary Art Center
- Beijing Commune@ART HK 2011, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
- We Are Polit-Sheer Form - Polit-Sheer-Form Office, Shanghai Gallery of Art
- 2010
- Big Draft-Shanghai - Chinese Contemporary Art from the Sigg Collection, Kunst Museum Bern
- Double Acting, ddmwarehouse
- Arario@ShContemporary 2010 Shanghai Art Fair International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Shanghai Exhibition Center
- Shanghai Gallery of Art@ShContemporary 2010 Shanghai Art Fair International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Shanghai Exhibition Center
- Floating Landscape - Liu Jianhua’s Solo Exhibition, Z-art Center
- Nature of China - 2010 Contemporary Art Documenta, True Color Museum
- Will to Height - Contemporary Art Exhibition, Epson Exceed Your Vision (shanghai)
- 17th Biennale of Sydney - The Beauty and the Distance, Biennale of Sydney
- Reshaping History: Chinart from 2000 to 2009 (China National Convention Center), China National Convention Center
- Reshaping History: Chinart from 2000 to 2009 (Today Art Museum ), Today Art Museum
- Reshaping History: Chinart from 2000 to 2009 (Arario Gallery), Arario Gallery (Beijing)
- REM(A)INDERS, Galleria Continua (Beijing)
- On Yun Nan - A Branch of Chinese Contemporary Art Since the 1990s, Beijing Center for the Arts
- 2009
- Enliven- In Between Realities and Fiction - Animamix Biennial 2009-2010, Today Art Museum
- Horizon - Liu Jianhua Solo Exhibition, Beijing Commune
- Blank Making Life, Inside-Out
- On Love? On War?: Prominent Contemporary Chinese Artists, Stux
- Contemporary Art Exhibition in Songjiang, Shanghai Songjiang Creative Studio
- Continua Gallery@ShContemporary 09, Shanghai Exhibition Center
- History in the Making: Shanghai 1979 - 2009, 436 Jumen Rd
- Warm Up, Minsheng Art Museum
- Tofu, Kungfu, Polit-Sheer-Form, Beijing Commune
- Retrospect and Exploration, Hubei Museum of Art
- Produced a Small Exhibition "Eight", Vanguard Gallery
- Metroplis Now! A Selection of Chinese Contemporary Art,
- 2008
- It Is I Too - Photographic Seif - Portralts by Chinese Artlsts, A Thousand Plateaus Art Space (Chengdu)
- Dream in Conflict, Galleria Continua (San Gimignano)
- Christian Dior and Chinese Artists, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (Beijing)
- Library, Beijing Commune
- A Vista of Perspectives,
- Reflective Asia - 3rd Nanjing Triennial, Nanjing Museum
- Beijing Commune@ShContemporary 08, Shanghai Exhibition Center
- Galerie Paul Freches@ShContemporary 08, Shanghai Exhibition Center
- Shanghai Gallery of Art@ShContemporary 08, Shanghai Exhibition Center
- "INSOMNIA" Photographs Exhibition, BizArt Art Center
- The Focus Of Shanghai, Fine Arts College of Shanghai University 99Creative Center
- The Supplemental History: Contemporary Art Works from Collection of GDMoA, Red Sun Gallery The Oct Art&Design Gallery
- New Generation Art Exhibition, Duke Gallery
- Material Link - A Dialogue Between Greek and Chinese Artists, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
- The World of Other's, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
- The world of others, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
- Liu Jianhua Solo Exhibition, Beijing Commune
- Portraying food, Walsh Gallery
- The Origin - The First Annual Moon River Sculpture Festival, Moon River Museum of Contemporary Art
- Where Are We?, Beijing Center for the Arts
- New World Order - Contemporary Installation Art and Photography from China, Groninger Museum
- Homesickness - Memory and Virtual Reality, T Space
- Facing the Reality: Chinese Contemporary Art, The National Art Museum of China
- Mr. Zheng, Boonna Café y.y Club
- Collecció d’Art Contemporani Fundació ”la Caixa”, Caixa Forum
- City image - Contemporary Art Invitation Exhibition, Guangdong Museum of Art
- Resilience,
- 2008
- Living Zhangjiang - Maglev Express,
- China - Facing Reality, The National Art Museum of China
- Intrude: Art & Life 366,
- No title,
- 2007
- Polit - Sheer - Form Office in Shanghai, BizArt Art Center
- The Sixth Shenzhen Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition: A Vista of Perspectives, He Xiangning Art Museum OCAT Shenzhen
- Polit - Sheer - Form, Beijing Commune
- China - Facing Reality, Mumok, Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig
- The First Today's Documents 2007 - Energy: Spirit•Body•Material, Today Art Museum
- China Now, Cobra Museum Voor Moderne Kunst Amstelveen
- Export - Cargo Transit, Shanghai Gallery of Art
- Rejected Collection, Ke Center for the Contemporary Arts
- Color of the Night - 2007 Nominated Works Invitational Exhibition, Yuandian Gallery
- Who do you think you are ?, Tang Contemporary Art Beijing
- Setting off the South West: Contemporary Art Exhibition, Guangdong Museum of Art
- The Year of the Golden Pig - Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection, Lewis Glucksman Gallery
- 2 Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art
- Viewing From Afar, Oriental Vista Gallery
- Anomalous thoughts - Liu Jianhua Solo Exhibition, Galleria Continua (Beijing)
- Social Art,
- We are The Future,
- China Now,
- Daily•Fragile,
- Daily•Fragile: Tomb,
- 2006
- Art in Motion, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
- MoCA Envisage - Entry Gate: Chinese Aesthetics of Heterogeneity, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
- 6th Shanghai Biennale - Hyper Design, Shanghai Art Museum
- Singapore Biennale 2006, Singapore Biennale
- City Skin - Images of the Contemporary Metropolis, Shenzhen Art Museum
- Absolute Images: Chinese Contemporary Art, Arario Gallery (Cheonan)
- Can you tell me?, BizArt Art Center
- Only One Wall, Artspace
- Fiction Love, Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai
- China Now: Enchanting Images of a Changing World, Vienna Essl Museum
- 2005
- Beautiful Cynicism, Arario Gallery (Beijing)
- Convergence at E116°/N40°, Beijing 2005 - International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute Space A
- Only One Wall, Beijing Commune
- Mahjong - Chinesische Gegenwartskunst, Kunstmuseum Bern
- Prague Biennale 2, Nadace Prague Biennale
- Mahjong Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection,
- XIANFENG: Chinese Avant-garde Sculpture,
- The 3rd World Ceramic Biennale 2005 Korea,
- The Second Guangzhou Triennial Self Organisation - BizART: How to Turn Guangzhou into Shanghai,
- The Elegance of Silence: Contemporary Art from East Asia, Mori Art Museum
- 2004
- Dreaming of the Dragon’s Nation: Contemporary Art from China, Irish Museum of Modern Art - IMMA
- Shanghai Duolun Exhibition of Young Artists, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art
- Aerobic Artists, Bangkok Tang Contemporary Art Bangkok
- Chinese Contemporary Art, Anna D' Ascanio
- Body•China,
- Open Asia 2004,
- Dial 62761232, BizArt Art Center
- The Secret of Clay:From Gauguin to Gormley,
- 2003
- OPEN SKY -- AN EXHIBITION OF CONTEMPORARY ART, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art
- Do You Really Know about It?, ShanghArt Gallery (Shanghai)
- Chinart15, Macro, Museo D'arte Contemporanea
- Alternative Modernity,
- Alors, La Chine? Centre Pompidou,
- 2002
- The First Chinese Art Triennial Exhibition,
- Too Much Flavour,
- Pusan Biennale,
- Dream 02,
- Paris - Pekin,
- The 33rd Basel International Art Fair,
- Liu Jianhua,
- Money and Value, the Last Taboo,
- 2001
- Delight and Illusion,
- Porcelain: Like Skin,
- 2000
- Photography as Fine Art, Galerie Skala
- Contemporary Art Exhibition of 15 Artists,
- Reincarnation Era: Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art in 2000,
- Clashing and Selecting: Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition,
- Chinese Figures: Tales of the Two Cities, Asian Contemporary Art,
- Dialogue with Moore: Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition,
- 1999
- China 46 (Taipei),
- China 46 (Shanghai),
- Start from China,
- Towards Materialism and that Sort of Beauty,
- Three Artists from Kunming,
- At the Door of the New Century,
- 1998
- The 5th Documentary Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art,
- The 1st Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Sculptures,
- Review•Traditions,
- 1997
- Life Categories,
- City Personality: Invitational Exhibition for Four Artists,
- 1996
- The 4th Documentary Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art: Sculpture and Contemporary Culture,
- Revere Life,
- Contemporary Art from China: Works by Three Artists,
- 1995
- Current Situation Exhibition,
- 1993
- Mao Goes Pop, China Post '89 (Australia),