- 1978
- 生于湖北荆州
- 2001
- 毕业于湖北美术学院油画系
- 现工作生活于武汉
- 重要个展
- 2012
- 什么都不重要,博而励画廊,北京,中国
- 2009
- 你应该学会等待 美术文献艺术中心,武汉,中国
- 2008
- 人民公园, 博而励画廊,北京,中国
- 2007
- 不高兴,美术文献艺术中心,武汉,中国
- 重要群展
- 2015
- 文字,暂停,博而励画廊,北京,中国
- 武汉,武汉——一部艺术链接的城市史,武汉美术馆,武汉,中国
- 2014
- 2014
- .夏:朋友,泳池和浪花,博而励画廊,北京,中国
- 不想点别的事情,简直就无法思考,时代美术馆,广州,中国
- 再现代,湖北美术馆,武汉,中国
- 2012
- 再绘画,站台中国,北京,中国
- 绘画课2,积极风格和消极风格,杨画廊 北京,中国
- 脉冲反应,时代美术馆,广州,中国
- 2011
- 15日合作制绘画, 白盒子艺术馆, 北京
- 2009
- 两湖潮流——湖北•湖南当代艺术展1985—2009, 广东美术馆 广州, 中国
- 2008
- 观念的笔记 :中国当代绘画的局部叙述,伊比利亚艺术中心,北京
- 穷,Boers-Li画廊,北京,中国
- 2007
- 观念的形态——第二届美术文献展,湖北美术馆/ 湖北美术学院美术馆,武汉
- 武汉!武汉,四方美术馆,南京
- 视觉遭遇,中国美术馆,北京
- 2006
- 中国当代艺术奖获奖作品展,证大现代艺术馆,上海
- DFOTO--圣塞巴斯蒂安国际摄影、录象艺术节,圣塞巴斯蒂安,西班牙
- 2003
- 第五系统:后规划时代的公共艺术——第五届深圳雕塑,深圳华侨城,深圳
- 2002
- 新都市主义,广东美术馆,广州
- 2001
- WELCOME,金沙苑 ,武汉
- 2000
- 现场之外——水,平谷,北京
- 书目
- 龚剑,刘明、皮力、龚剑,湖北美术出版社
- 主要收藏
- 乌利.希克收藏,瑞士
- Gong Jian, a young artist born in 1978 and educated in Hubei, works in a diverse range of media from painting to installation. Notable for his resistance to the centrism of Beijing via his work from the artistic periphery of Wuhan, he has proven himself to be one of the most interesting artists of his generation. Always willing to forge his own path in terms of stylistic development and social intervention, Gong Jian works in a field of cultural production distinct from his peers in and around the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and the results are fascinating.
- In his earlier work, he playfully adapted the vernacular of Chinese folk painting to approach absurdist political and historical themes. Particularly well-developed is his blending of oil materials with the older graphic styles of pre-socialist realism folk painting. His brushwork reflects this variety of influences, while his use of color creates striking visual compositions that draw attention to his subtle and ironic social commentary.
- Recently, he has moved towards less playful and more academically informed experiments with discourses of depth and authenticity, examining the relationship between style and content. Throughout his career, the artist has concentrated on the concept of the intervention, in both public space and in art history. His newest oil paintings capture the vibrancy and visual interest of his colorful earlier works while maintaining the academic edge of his conceptually rich recent work.
- 1978
- Born in Jingzhou Hubei
- 2001
- Graduated from Hubei Institute of Fine Arts
- currently lives and works in Wuhan
- Selected Solo Exhibitions
- 2012
- Nothing is Important, Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing, China
- 2009
- You Should Learn to Waite, Fine Arts Literature Art Center, Wuhan, China
- 2008
- People’s Park, Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing, China
- 2007
- Unhappy, Fine Arts Literature Art Center, Wuhan
- Selected Group Exhibitions
- 2015
- Text Pause, Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing, China
- The Annual Exhibition of “Wuhan, Wuhan-An Urban History Linked by Art, Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan
- 2014
- Summer 2014: Friends, Pool and Waves, Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing, China
- You can only think about something∕If you think of something else., Times museum, Guangzhou, China
- Re——Modernization, The 3nd Documentary Exhibition of Fine Arts of Wuhan, Hubei Museum Of Art, Wuhan, China
- 2012
- Re: Painting, Platform China, Beijing, China
- Painting Lesson II—Negative and Positive Style, Yang Gallery, Beijing, China
- Pulse Reaction, Times Museum, Guangzhou, China
- 2011
- 15 Days: A Collaborative Work, White Box Museum, Beijing
- 2009
- Hubei and Hunan Chinese Contemporary Art 1985-2009, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou
- 2008
- Poorism, Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing
- Winter Group Show, Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing
- 2007
- The 2nd Documentary Exhibition of Fine Arts of Wuhan, Hubei Museum Of Art, Wuhan
- Wuhan! Wuhan! , Nanjing Square Museum of Contemporary Art, Nanjing
- Visual Experiences, China National Art Museum Beijing
- 2006
- Twelve---Chinese Contemporary Art Awards, Zendai MOMA, Shanghai
- DFOTO—San Sebastian International Contemporary Photography and Video-Art Fair, San Sebastian
- 2003
- The 5th System: Public Art in the Age of Post–Planning, Shenzhen Distance, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou
- 2002
- New Urbanism, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou
- 2001
- Welcome, Jingsha Center, Wuhan
- 2000
- Outside of the Site –Water, Pingu, Beijing
- Bibliography
- Liu Ming, Pi Li, Gong Jian, Gong Jian, Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House
- Major Collection
- Sigg Collection, Switzerland