- 1995
- 广州美院油画系
- 2009
- 现工作于广州华南师范大学美术系
- 展览
- 2016
- 对话——艺术展, 上海光大私人银行俱乐部
- 对话——艺术展, 杜若云章画廊(上海)
- 2014
- 第三届美术文献展, 湖北美术馆 美术文献艺术中心
- 2013
- 西瓜皮——夏季特展, 美术文献艺术中心新空间
- 2012
- 异志—— 李继开、陈波、林欣当代新绘画三人展, 优上艺术空间
- 2011
- 新生活——陈波个展, 美术文献艺术中心
- 画画, 北京空间画廊
- 2010
- 现实的游牧——“现•实空间”项目展第一回, 现·实空间
- 2009
- 之乎者也——当代艺术的修辞学, 红星画廊
- 常态——2009年作品展, 美术文献艺术中心
- 回溯与探索——美术文献艺术中心收藏展, 湖北省艺术馆
- 大千世界——中国当代艺术近作展, 芝加哥文化中心
- 2008
- China: Construção - Desconstrução, Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand - MASP
- “契”中德新锐艺术家联展, 望东艺集
- Cross-Section, 望东艺集
- 星档案——见证二十一世纪中国艺术的文献库, 别处空间
- 2007
- 纸上图画暨美术文献圣诞酒会, 美术文献艺术中心
- 非集体意志, 索卡艺术中心(北京)
- 艺术北京2007当代艺术博览会, 硕华画廊
- 功夫——陈波个展, 环碧堂画廊
- 我与春天有个约会——名家作品联展, 春天画廊
- AsianArt "CHINABLUE IN BERLIN", Art Center Berlin Friedrichstrasse
- 金蝉脱壳——从传统和革命的语言拯救,
- 抽离中心的一代——70后艺术展,
- 2006
- 2006宋庄艺术家推介展 宋庄制造, 上上国际美术馆
- 陈波作品在线展览, 环碧堂画廊
- 首届(2006)“新动力—中国”当代艺术双年展, 原弓画廊(上海)
- “自我造境”中国当代艺术邀请展,
- 时间的一个点,
- 2005
- 限制与自由——秋市, 美术文献艺术中心
- 70后艺术——市场改变中国之后的一代, 今日美术馆 明圆文化艺术中心
- “画妆”中国戏曲主题艺术大展, 今日美术馆
- 2004
- 美术文献提名展, 美术文献艺术中心
- 慢:当代艺术展, 美术文献艺术中心
- “在一起”景珂文、陈波、仇小飞三人作品展,
- 首届美术文献展,
- 2003
- 个性力量——新锐艺术家巡回展(北京),
- 个性力量——新锐艺术家巡回展(广州),
- 个性力量——新锐艺术家巡回展(武汉),
- 个性力量——新锐艺术家巡回展(上海),
- 2001
- 中国油画新兴力量展(广州),
- 悦目的图像——中国当代油画邀请展,
- 中国油画新兴力量展(上海),
- 对话?中国当代艺术展,
- 中国油画新兴力量展(北京),
- 2001
- 个人作品展,
- 2000
- 中国艺术博览会,
- 1998
- 湖北美术作品展,
- 1997
- 湖北美术作品展,
- 1900
- 一天, 东大名创库
- Exhibitions
- 2016
- Dialogue - Exhibition of Contemporary Artists, China Everbright Bank Private Banking Club
- Dialogue - Exhibition of Contemporary Artists, Je Fine Art Gallery Shanghai
- 2013
- Watermelon Peel - Summer Special Show, New Space of Fine Arts Literature Art Center
- 2012
- Alternative Reference - Contemporary New Painting Exhibition Three Artists, Upto to Art Space
- 2011
- Chen Bo Solo Exhibition, Fine Arts Literature Art Center
- Paint, Gallery Beijing Space
- 2010
- The First Exhibition of Esse Space Program, Esse Space
- 2009
- Zhī Hū Zhě Yě - Art Rhetoric, Red Star Gallery
- Normality - 2009 Art Works Show, Fine Arts Literature Art Center
- Retrospect and Exploration, Hubei Museum of Art
- The Big World: Recent Art from China, Chicago Cultural Center
- 2008
- China: Construção - Desconstrução, Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand - MASP
- Affinity, Oriental Vista Gallery
- Cross-Section, Oriental Vista Gallery
- 2007
- Words on Paper Exhibition & Christmas Party, Fine Arts Literature Art Center
- Un Collectivism, Soka Art Center (Beijing)
- The 2nd China International Artistic Works Investment and Collection Exposition, Beijing Central Art Gallery
- AsianArt "CHINABLUE IN BERLIN", Art Center Berlin Friedrichstrasse
- The Generation without Centrum: The Art of post - 70s,
- 2006
- Chen Bo Solo Exhibition, China Glue Gallery
- New Power-China, Yuangong Modern Art Museum (Shanghai)
- 2005
- Limitation and Freedom-Autumn Market, Fine Arts Literature Art Center
- 2004
- Exhibition of Nominates for Art Documentation, Fine Arts Literature Art Center
- Slowly: An Exhibition of Wuhan Contemporary Art, Fine Arts Literature Art Center
- The First Art Literature Exhibition,
- "Being Together" Art Woeks By Jing Kewen, Chen Bo, Qiu Xiaofei,
- 2003
- The power of personality - Exhibition of front edge artists (Guangzhou),
- The power of personality - Exhibition of front edge artists (Wuhan),
- The power of personality - Exhibition of front edge artists (Shanghai),
- The power of personality - Exhibition of front edge artists (Beijing),
- 2001
- Impressive pictures - Chinese Contempory Art Exhibition,
- The New Force of The Chinese Oil Painting (Shanghai),
- Conversation? Exhibition of the Chinese Contemporary Art,
- The New Force of The Chinese Oil Painting (Beijing),
- 2001
- Independ Exhibition of Personal Art Works,
- The New Force of The Chinese Oil Painting (Guangzhou),
- 2000
- Join the Exhibition of the Chinese Art in Beijing,
- 1998
- Joined the Exhibition of Art Works of Hubei Province,
- 1997
- Joined the Exhibition of Art Works of Hubei Province,
- 1900
- One Day, ddmwarehouse